Quote #2

“Thoughts can create such a barrier that even if you are standing before a beautiful flower, you will not be able to see it. Your eyes are covered with layers of thought. To experience the beauty of the flower you have to be in a state of meditation, not in a state of ‘mentation’. You have to be silent, utterly silent, not even a flicker of thought – and the beauty explodes, reaches to you from all directions. You are drowned in the beauty of a sunrise, of a starry night, of beautiful trees.” ~ Yogic Wisdom

Source : KamalaYoga

I sit to study and my mind it just doesn’t stay in a place these days. I really believe i need to practice Meditation. How much would i love to drown in books without thinking of other things that exist in this world… Peace! And the tinnitus of day’s knowledge. I would love to have that.

Gratitude is larger than life.

Gratitude is larger than life..

Quote #1

Conflict is the nature of the world. Comfort is the nature of the Self. Amidst conflicts, find comfort in the Self.
– Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

We keep searching for comfort outside. Its in the nature of outside world to have a tyndall motion. Thats how world has evolved, through combinitions and permutations. But since i need comfort, where things are organized to suit myself, I will have to look inside me. Comfort will come from within.


One of the most important topics when it comes to All India Pre PG Medical Entrance Exams concerned.
Some words just associated with Retinoblastoma as a PG aspirant are RB gene and Osteosarcoma.
Nothing more comes to mind at first, courtesy last 10year repeats.

So i did some research on retinoblastoma today. And the stupid that i was, i wondered how will a baby write about its disease. And as dreaded the name sounds and as the exams depict, would any one have survived to tell the story! (yes, you may laugh at my lack of knowledge, but thats how we learn, by admitting our inadequacies and going beyond). No text book stuff here, just a recollection of the case story.

A baby born normal, as the baby grows parents notice something weird about the vision of baby. Like say, baby not looking at the face or the toys, but just staring at distance to a source of light.
Photographs of baby show a white eye in contrast to red eye which often we consider the camera’s fault.
That calls for attention.
So now the doctor comes into picture. How does the doctor diagnose this? As a med student ask me, i would pounce on to say, RB gene eh! Ok so the wise doctor first of all takes out an opthalmoscope and examines the retina to see if it looks normal. Red reflex as it is called. So retinoblastoma shows an absent red reflex as it is primarily a retinal abnormality.
So suspecting retinoblastoma, doctor will order an MRI of orbit and brain to study if the retinoblastoma has reached beyond the eye.
Oh and by the way, did I mention:

Retinoblastoma has quite a good prognosis.

depending upon the size and stage of tumour, doctor decides whether to go for chemotherapy or surgery.

Tumour may be rare, it may sound dreaded, but actually we can have people grown up well in old age talk about their tumour of childhood.
And another interesting thing, since this is hereditary at times (though more than half the times it will be non hereditary) people opt for In Vitro Fertilisation.
So that is retinoblastoma beyond RB gene and osteosarcoma. An account of people who have gone through it and conquered it.
Thank You. Oh and please leave a comment if you have read this…even if its just a hi!
Thank you again.


P.S : note to self, differential diagnosis
1. Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV): present with whitening of the pupil.
2. Coat’s disease: a typically unilateral disease characterised by abnormal development of blood vessels behind the retina, leading to blood vessel abnormalities in the retina and retinal detachment to mimic retinoblastoma.
3. Toxocara canis: an infectious disease of the eye associated with exposure to infected puppies, which causes a retinal lesion leading to retinal detachment.
4. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): may lead to retinal detachment.

Vision 2020


How much of a bane can something be in my life? I have found a way of conquering you. You troubled me in AIPGE 2012!

Following diseases come under WHO’s Vision 2020 :
Mnemonic : DOG CART

Diabetic Retinopathy

Age Related Macular Degeneration
Refractive Errors

Oh and if you care to remember these then just go one more step ahead and remember that they all are treated by the blanket therapy of Azithromycin wherever applicable.

RP or The Retinitis Pigmentosa

My this week’s quest on opthalmology made me google for Retinitis Pigmentosa. All that RP accounted to me was that its a disease of rods which secondarily involves the pigment layer. And how its a misnomer. Pretty dull and boring paragraph in the notes.
But here i was, reading an account of a RP affected individual. jodi He grew up knowing his vision was going to disappear some day. May be it already has as his last post was an year ago. All that i intend to point here is, at this stage, reading about those conditions in book is so mundane. But lookin at someone battling that condition, i really feel sorry for myself that i dont do justice to that topic giving it due importance. Lets be grateful what we are blessed with.
Thank You.

A simple smile ignites hope and happiness

Manipal's Photo Blog

– By Akash Nandi

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.

– Denis Waitley

Smile. A universal symbol. A smile can make a million things happen. It can end fights, it can start relationships, it can bring peace, it can make new friends, finish old enmities, make a sad person happy, make the day for a random stranger, make someone feel good.

A simple smile, soo powerful. It’s actually good for our face muscles to smile(apparently the least amount of strain is applied when we smile, on the muscles). See, smiling makes everyone happy(literally).

Many a times, for somebody having a bad day, a simple smile would probably take their thoughts off their mind, probably make them happy for a while. It’s that powerful? Have you ever felt it? Have you ever been on the giving side?

Do share…

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How complex things and concepts simplify with just one picture…

Oh and by the way google freaked me out when i tried googling for Retina and it arrogantly suggested Retina Display. Whats wrong with this world?

The Basic Lesson

Food, clothing and shelter are the basic necessities.
This list does not include a girlfriend. So i can very well survive.

To Each, Their Own


Every image is the image of thing merely to him who knows how to read it, and who is enabled by the aid of the image to form an idea of the thing.”

Handbook of Physiological Optics H. von Helmholtz