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Einsten-ish Theory cant exaplain this phenomenon, can it ?

Gratitude is larger than life.

Gratitude is larger than life..

A simple smile ignites hope and happiness

Manipal's Photo Blog

– By Akash Nandi

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.

– Denis Waitley

Smile. A universal symbol. A smile can make a million things happen. It can end fights, it can start relationships, it can bring peace, it can make new friends, finish old enmities, make a sad person happy, make the day for a random stranger, make someone feel good.

A simple smile, soo powerful. It’s actually good for our face muscles to smile(apparently the least amount of strain is applied when we smile, on the muscles). See, smiling makes everyone happy(literally).

Many a times, for somebody having a bad day, a simple smile would probably take their thoughts off their mind, probably make them happy for a while. It’s that powerful? Have you ever felt it? Have you ever been on the giving side?

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